Our Services

Tree Removal Services

Whether a tree in your space is dead, dying, or simply impeding on further construction or landscaping, at Total Tree Services Inc, we are trained professionals in taking care of such matters. We will gather all relevant information from you upon your initial call, then make a plan to come to your home to assess the situation. Upon seeing and assessing your tree removal needs, we will be able to provide you with our complete, professional, and complimentary estimate!
Our team has all of the equipment and skills necessary to remove any tree safely and efficiently. Furthermore, our commitment to your satisfaction means you can expect the very highest levels of quality and service. We’ll help you to determine whether or not a tree absolutely needs to be removed and, if it does, our team of well-qualified tree removal specialists will handle the problem promptly and effectively.

Tree Trimming Services

Tree trimmings not only improve the visual appeal of your properties, but are vital in maintaining the health of your trees and ensure the safety of those around the trees! Improper or poor trimmings can weaken the branch structure, encourage unnatural growth, and divert energy away from areas of the tree that may need it most! When you need your trees trimmed and maintained, only trust the best in the business at Total Tree Services Inc.
Our professionals have been highly trained to recognize specific tree species and their needs in terms of prunings and trimmings. At Total Tree Services Inc, we pride ourselves on the ongoing education of our professionals to ensure that we are continually providing the highest level of service. We also maintain that we have the very best in equipment so that your trees are trimmed in the safest way possible. If your trees or shrubs could use a bit of professional attention, don’t hesitate to give Total Tree Services Inc a call! We would be happy to help and provide you with a completely free estimate! Call today!

Get the best in tree care!

Call today to arrange a time for us to visit and give you a free quote.

(585) 905-9738

Stump Grinding Services

Whether a tree in your space is dead, dying, or simply impeding on further construction or landscaping, at Total Tree Services Inc, we are trained professionals in taking care of such matters. We will gather all relevant information from you upon your initial call, then make a plan to come to your home to assess the situation. Upon seeing and assessing your tree removal needs, we will be able to provide you with our complete, professional, and complimentary estimate!
Our team has all of the equipment and skills necessary to remove any tree safely and efficiently. Furthermore, our commitment to your satisfaction means you can expect the very highest levels of quality and service. We’ll help you to determine whether or not a tree absolutely needs to be removed and, if it does, our team of well-qualified tree removal specialists will handle the problem promptly and effectively.

24 Hour Emergency

Tree Service 

Sometimes, unfortunately, unforeseen circumstances can cause things like fallen trees needing to be taken care of, or storm clean up to be deemed necessary. Because of this, we offer our 24 Hour Emergency Tree Service.

With this service, our professionals remain on call at all hours so that should you have an emergency, we are ready to come help. We, of course, hope that this is never a service that you require, but are ready and willing whenever the time may come that you need us. Should you need a tree removed or cleaned up at any hour, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be there as soon as possible to take care of all of your tree service needs!